I’ve now done several cleanup things:
- Checked to see whether any of the journals removed from DOAJ since 1/1/2024 had been restored by 4/12/2024, None had; those journals are all treated as excluded.
- Compared codes for last year’s study with those this time around. If a journal is “xm” or “xx” and was also “xm” or “xx” last year, I stop checking it. There were a lot of these–adding those to the “xj” (removed) journals yields 948 journals that I marked as excluded and won’t recheck. Perhaps worth noting that those 948 only account for 9,757 articles in 2024 (where articles could be counted through other means) and 16,574 in 2023.
- At this point, there are 2,510 journals to be rechecked and 17,177 complete (and not excluded, but including journals no longer publishing). Those journals account for 1,393,000 articles in 2023; 1,381,039 in 2022.
- The rescan will start today and cover 2,510 journals. I’ll do the usual daily Mastodon posts. Hoping for two weeks…but I do some additional checking, so it could take longer.