Archive for the ‘Cites & Insights’ Category

Cites & Insights: Use it or lose it?

Monday, November 13th, 2023

As somnee of you may know, I published an odd little ejournal/zine/newsletter, Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large, from December 2001 through the end of 2019–19 volumes (and one preliminary issue), 227 issues, roughly 6,510 pages and just under 4.5 million words–most, but not all, mine. My set of printed & bound volumes takes up just about 18 inches on a bookshelf (Volumes 6-19 are available as Lulu PoD paperbacks; I have Velobound copies of the first five volumes.)

During its peak years, C&I had quite a substantial readership–as many as 55,000 downloads for one particular essay. There were more than 600,000 downloads from 2013 through 2015 and (maybe) 800,000 downloads from 2016 through 2019. But only about 38,000 in 2019. I had sponsorship for  five years, and never charged for access.

I always hoped that a few people or institutions would find C&I worth preserving–and the annual print volumes even had indexes (of a sort). No print volume has ever sold more than four copies. Four have sold none at all.

When I stopped publishing C&I at the end of 2019, I promised it would remain available online through 2022 if that was feasible. It has remained available.

I just checked 2023-to-date usage. To my surprise, there are still thousands of downloads, apparently more than 10,000 total, including nearly 800 for one particular essay. So I plan to keep C&I available at least through 2024.

Use it or lose it?

But I would like to trim my Lulu catalog. (To see the list, just go to and search for “walt crawford.” I see 51 results.) So here’s the deal: The Lulu (trade paperback) versions of any C&I volumes that have no sales between now and November 12, 2024 will be deleted.

The odd background…

For some reason, I reread the 2001 issues (and single 2000 issue) of C&I recently. It was…well, not terrible, and given the total lack of outside editorial oversight, better than I expected.

It was also very topical, as expected and intended. (I sure would love to see or remember  whether PC Magazine published a ten-year followup to an astonishing set of 10-year predictions in 2001, but otherwise…)

With some exceptions, there isn’t much there that’s particularly relevant in 2023-2024. Maybe it’s reasonable to just shut it down. And if there had been total downloads in the hundreds or very low thousands for 2023, I might have done that. But the journal archives are safe, for now.

Oh: the most frequently-downloaded issues this year were from 2014 and considered OA and, in some cases, “predatory” journals.

Cites & Insights Annual Volumes now $20 each

Monday, December 28th, 2020

I’ve changed the pricing on each paperback annual volume of Cites & Insights, volumes 11 through 19, to $20 each. [It appears that Lulu discards PDFs after some point, and to reprice volumes 6-10 I’d have to redo the publishing process. Given that sales have never reached high single figures, it’s not worthwhile.]

Links to all volumes are on the C&I Annuals page at, or you can just search for Cites & Insights at

Trouble finding Cites & Insights?

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

If you get a 404 when attempting to reach Cites & Insights or any issue of the now-closed magazine, please change “” in the URL to “” and it should work.

I’m attempting to get the aliasing problem solved. (The original domain was always, with as an alias.)

FIXED, and it’s possible it was just my failure to clear a cache. All domains running properly (and the new host, A2Hosting, has fabulous tech support).

FIXED (and maybe never broken) at the domain level but not at the issue level: if you look for an issue and get a 404, make the change above.

Here’s the current status:

  1. The “real” Cites & Insights has always been at, now hosted by A2Hosting rather than It continues to be available and will be (barring disasters) through at least 2022.
  2. That site is static–other than possible messages on the home page (e.g., changes in paperback pricing), there will be no new or modified content.
  3. I’m working on the issues. As part of that work, that domain might disappear entirely for a little while. URLs may yield various error messages (e,g., 404, failure to find domain, security certificate errors). In all cases, if the URL is correct, just change to and it should work just fine. NOTE: As of 4:15 pm Pacific Standard Time on January 28, 2020, I find that URLs are working properly in Edge, Chrome and–once I added a PDF-viewing extension–Firefox. Unless I hear differently, I’m calling this problem resolved.

Cites & Insights Final Issue (19:9) available

Thursday, December 26th, 2019

The final issue of Cites & Insights (19:9) is now available for downloading at

The 20-page issue includes:

The Front: The Final Issue pp. 1-8

Some notes on 19 years of C&I–the longest and shortest volumes and issues, possibly the most widely-read issues, and a chronological list of the long essays (that turned out to be much longer and more varied than expected). Includes brief notes on the five years of C&I’s predecessors.

Nostalgia pp. 8-20

Some commentary on relatively old (usually) items not previously discussed, on predictions, gengen, failure, blogging and librarians. (Also known as clearing out Diigo for the last time…)

The paperback version of Volume 19 will appear sometime in the first half of 2020, and the C&I home page will be replaced with a final static version in late January–and, if I’m able to migrate properly, will stay around for at least another year.

Cites & Insights 19:8 (December 2019) available

Wednesday, December 11th, 2019

Cites & Insights 19:8 (December 2019) is now available for downloading at

The 51-page issue, delayed for a period because of unexpected health issues, includes:

Libraries pp. 1-9

Mostly material from several years ago, that still seems applicable today.

Media pp. 9-16

One group of items on books and reading, another on music and audio.

Intersections: Open Access Issues pp. 16-36

The last OA roundup in C&I, dealing with myths, impact, access, DOAJ and miscellany.

Media: Warriors Classic 50 Movies, 1 pp. 36-51

Twenty-four peplum/sword and sandals movies.

This is not (probably the final issue; that should appear in very late December (possibly as late as December 34 or so…)

Final two issues of C&I delayed, future uncertain

Friday, November 29th, 2019

I had planned to release the December issue of C&I around now–and the final issue near the end of December 2019.

An eleven-night stay in the hospital (sepsis/staph, to be followed by six weeks of daily antibiotic injections and some period of draining) changed all that.

Based on energy and more important matters, the final issues will probably get done. Eventually. The spirit is good, but needing to keep legs elevated a third of thetime, and still not-quite-back-to-normal energy, and being homebound…isn’t helping.

Beyond that, I now learn that my web host is shutting down in a few months, and have to figure out, how, where, or whether to move this blog (tricky because the sitename is based on a domain that’s presumably going away), (where I feel obliged to retain some pages/pointers related to the GOA project for a few years), and C&I (which I’d planned to retain for three years).

Anyway: I’m not dead yet. We shall see what happens.

Cites & Insights 19.7 (November 2019) available

Thursday, October 24th, 2019

The penultimate or, more probably, antepenultimate issue of Cites & Insights, to wit Volume 19 Number 7 (November 2019), is now available for downloading at

This 44-page issue contains two essays:

Intersections: What’s the Big Deal? pp. 1-34

Most of this is about one particular Big Deal, and the heading for that section (actually three sections) should be a clue: Fiat Lux.

The Back pp. 34-44

The final set of little snarky items about a range of things–including a small set of updates on audiophile-approved system prices. The short version: leaving out digital sources and cables, you can get an audiophile-approved system (with speakers and turntable) for as little as $750…or as much as $694,000. For that matter, if you want a Class A (the best, price no object) system and $694,000 seems a bit steep, you can get by for $21,600.

Cites & Insights 19:6 (October 2019) available

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Cites & Insights 19:6 (October 2019) is now available for downloading at

The 39-page issue consists of a single essay

Intersections: Preditorials and Other Questionable Items pp. 1-39

In what’s probably the last C&I essay on The Lists and so-called “predatory” publishing, this roundup begins with a look at a few of the many preditorials–my neologism (or portmanteau) for editorials and other commentaries based on the notions that The Lists are infallible and that “predatory” publishing is undermining scholarly communications. The rest of the roundup deals with related issues.

This may or may not be the antepenultimate issue of C&I (The Limelighters will never die…); even if–as seems likely given the volume of comments received–C&I disappears at the end of Volume 19, there might be one final farewell issue.

Cites & Insights 19:5 (September 2019) available

Thursday, September 5th, 2019

The September 2019 issue of Cites & Insights (19:5) is now available for downloading at

The 28-page issue–probably the last one that does not feature OA–includes:

The Front pp. 1-4

Two little essays: Why I’m not pursuing an analysis of ROAD, and “should C&I be saved?”

The Middle pp. 4-12

Nine items that didn’t fit elsewhere and don’t deserve the snarky treatment of The Back.


A range of tech-related items, some mostly nostalgia, some still relevant.

Cites & Insights 19:4 (August 2019) Available

Tuesday, August 13th, 2019

Cites & Insights 19:4 (August 2019) is now available for downloading at

The 42-page issue consists of a single essay:

Intersections: Open Access Issues pp. 1-42

Thirty-odd items in six subtopic groups, not including items for future roundups (“preditorials,” colors and licenses, DOAJ, and Big Deals including the UC/BigE situation).