
Walt Crawford is a semi-retired library writer, editor, speaker, researcher and systems analyst.

I worked full-time in library automation from June 1968 through September 2007–first at UC Berkeley, then at the Research Libraries Group (for 27 years), finally at the OCLC RLG Service Center completing the transition from RLG to OCLC. I was Editorial Director of the Library Leadership Network (formerly PALINET Leadership Network) from October 2007 through March 2010.

This is a personal blog. This blog includes whatever I feel the urge to write about that isn’t better suited to a primary outlet, that is:

  • Cites & Insights, my ejournal on the intersections of libraries, policy, technology and media
  • The “Crawford at Large” column in ONLINE Magazine, new and revised essays on topics including those in C&I.
  • Books, when those are appropriate.

The motto for this blog used to be “Libraries, music, net media, cruising, policy, and other stuff not quite ready for Cites & Insights.” It’s now “The library voice of the radical middle,” since I seem to be carving a space in that middle area whose existence some people on either “side” deny.

Posts appear when I have something to say that suits the blog and have free time to say it. Posts that appear here are typically written on the fly and posted without editorial review.

Whether clearly stated or not, my intent is that original content here is covered by a Creative Commons “BY-NC” license: It may be freely used by others as long as there is no charge and attribution is provided.

As of March 25, 2013, I’m walking the walk: Original content is now covered at least implicitly by a Creative Commons “BY” license: It may be freely used as long as credit is given. Period. I’ll have the actual license and icon as soon as I figure out how to add it.

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