So far, 5,550 journals have been checked. Total articles for 2024: 466,586; for 2023, 422,476. Of these, 2,385 have fees, and 3,165 don’t (diamond OA). 551 are newly-added and 4,999 are ongoing. 843 will be rechecked, including most of these special cases (except bi and xd):
- Inactive (bi): 124.
- Expired (xd): 69
- Malware (xm): 206
- Not OA (xn): 10–note that this includes journals dropped from DOAJ.
- Unavailable/unworkable (xx): 197,
A milestone of sorts: the 2024 article count is already higher than the total 2012 article count in the first study (Gold Open Access Journals 2011-2015), which was 438,644.