Technically, it’s not yet midnight UMT, but it’s pretty close–and as far as I can tell nothing’s been added to DOAJ since I did the last download earlier today. If one or two journals are missing because they were added between 10:30 and midnight on New Year’s Eve, they’ll get picked up next year.
Counting starts tomorrow. The universe to be counted consists of 21,258 journals (three deleted and 27 added since the previous download), of which 7,373 have fees. As before, the four countries (of 136 represented) with more than 1,000 journals each are Indonesia (2,434), UK (2,188), Brazil (1,583) and the US (1,204) and the five subjects with more than 800 are Medicine (4,499), Language & Literature (1,458), Education (1,302), Anthropology (1,254) and Economics (1,234).
Daily updates on Mastodon will start tomorrow or Thursday (and may miss some days); weekly updates will happen on Tuesday or Wednesday most weeks here and on Mastodon. Hashtag #goa10. Hoping to have the first pass completed “sometime in Spring.”