Maybe not.
At the moment, it seems like it is, with 225 journals a day–which would mean the first scan would be done in 27 more days, that is, on April 1 or 2nd. That’s quite unlikely. Life intervenes: medical appointments, unexpected emergencies, and an expected annual event that has to be completed by mid-April and may take several days to complete.
Today would have been closer to 100 journals had it not been for SpringerOpen, which was very fast to handle (as was Sage last week). I’m guessing that The Big U–the several thousand university-based journals–may slow things down. Expect some days with 100 or fewer and, possibly, one or two with zero. (If anybody else is actually following #goa9 on Mastodon or the weekly summaries here–both admittedly done as a self-incentive).
I’ll be reasonably happy if the first pass is complete by the end of April (quite plausible) and delighted if it’s done by the same time as last year (with a lot fewer journals). Then comes the probably-slow second pass, and a week or so of data massaging, and finally the fun part, putting together the two books. [“Writing” may be the wrong term given that tables make up the bulk of both books.]
If all goes reasonably well, I’ll finish both in the spring (that is, by June 30). Barring major problems, it’s at least fairly likely that the main book and uploaded spreadsheet will be done by then.
We shall see. [Is anybody out there?]
Following you closely, Walt – and impressed by your speed! Hoping you will be finished before July, you must be needing some rest after this marathon.
Yes! Following you steadily, as I’ve been doing for ages. Keep on doing your invaluable work.
Thanks, both. If/when I give it up (barring unforeseen circumstances), I’ll document what I’ve been doing so someone else can continue. Meanwhile…