Gold/Diamond Journal Scan: Halfway Point

While there will be a post for week eight on Sunday, I thought this milestone deserved a special post: 10,150 journals scanned; 10,144 to go. The true halfway journal–that is, 10,147 scanned with 10,147 to go–is Optica (Optica Publishing Group, United States), while the 10,150th is a slightly more prolific title from the same publisher: Optics Express.

So far, I count 983,026 2023 articles and 1,004,737 2022 articles (of course, neither count is final–what with 1,450 journals that need to be rechecked). 4,039 have fees; 6,111 do not.

Special Cases

  • bi (Inactive): 248
  • xd (Defunct): 124
  • xj (Removed from DOAJ): 19
  • xm (Malware/certificate problems): 373
  • xn (Not an OA journal): 8
  • xx (Unreachable/unworkable): 404

Does this mean the first scan will be done in another 52 days? Probably not, but we shall see.

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