Here’s how things stand after the first week of visiting gold OA journals for GOA8 (in alphabetic order by publisher, then by journal):
1,000 journals scanned. 883 of them published 51,008 articles in 2022; 951 of them published 53,891 articles in 2021. (Both numbers subject to change on revisiting.)
At 1,000 journals a week, the first scan will be done in late May. There will be a known seven-week slowdown (which may or may not be major, and I don’t yet know when it will be–but not until at least January 30.) My daily minimum goal is 100 journals–which would take until July 9 to finish the first pass. I’m hoping the final time required will be somewhere in between.
Three details
The above numbers are from a pivot table in the “done” spreadsheet. I added three more tables to track items of interest during the scan–at least one of which might not be in the final report.
Counting codes
Of the 939 journals for which a count was feasible at this point:
- 424 were code d–the DOAJ figure appears probable. This is the easiest.
- 131 were code w–the journal web pages offered easy direct numbers for each issue or for the year. Also easy.
- 328 were code f–I could use Find to determine the count for each issue (e.g., counting “pdf” or “doi.”). Not as easy, for various reasons.
- 56 were code c–Counting articles by hand. By far the hardest.
Coded status
Of the 1000 journals:
- 910 are code a–which is the best code.
- 21 are bi: inactive, with no articles since 2020
- 9 are bx: journals is findable but at a different URL
- 6 are xd: ceased or duplicate, with no articles since 2016
- 19 are xm: malware or bad certificate (with luck, rechecks will reduce this number)
- 3 are xn: Not an OA journal (two appear to require registration, one is an encyclopedia)
- 32 are xx: currently unreachable or unworkable: rechecks should reduce this number
141 of the first 1,000 journals need rechecking–either because xm or xx, or because they appear to be missing some 2022 data.
Off to a good start. Some weeks might show more journals, some may show (a lot) less.