I just finished the second part of the second data-gathering pass–rechecking 732 journals that had problems other than malware. Most of those problems were resolved, either because the journal’s host fixed a problem or because I could reach the journal at a different URL by searching on title and ISSN. The pass found 21 no longer in DOAJ and left 126 to be rechecked one last time. [The check of journals against those removed from DOAJ since January 1, 2021 yielded 40 cases–and this part of the scan yielded another 21 no longer in DOAJ. Since many journals have two ISSNs, I only save one, and the removal list only provides one, this oddity is not surprising.]
At this point, there are 1,049,954 articles from 2020 and 879,377 from 2019, from 14,635 fully-analyzed journals–numbers that probably won’t grow a lot.
Next step: a quick check of xm/malware journals for resolutions–then, beginning May 15, the final check.