I’m now just over halfway through the initial journal scan for GOA6 (8,000 of 15,676), so it’s a good time for a quick progress report.
Note that, as before, I sort journals by publisher before checking–because many multijournal publishers use the same templates for all journals, making it easier for me to find fee data and do article counts.
For GOA6, that means I’ve now checked through publisher PPCT and title Kimün. Revista Interdisciplinaria de Formación Docente. So far, the 2020 article count is 704,825, and that will almost certainly go up slightly. The 2019 total for this set of journals is 586,583 articles. [Yes, the substantial gain for 2020 appears to be legit: for one thing, quite a few MDPI journals saw substantial increases in articles in 2020. And there are quite a few more journals.
Last year, that range of publishers included 7,155 journals, which published 569,645 articles in 2019. So there’s a net gain of 625 added journals so far.
Note that the second remainder of last year’s journals accounted for 281,668 2019 articles, not quite half as many as the first half. So we could wind up with a million articles, but certainly not 1.4 million or close to it. (I’d say a million is probable unless rechecking shows major problems in the figures.)
For this group of 3,200 journals–ignoring the first 4,800–problematic journals include 129 malware cases (that’s out of 3,200–the malware numbers are bad this year, but the latest 1,600 didn’t make them much worse, adding 43), 146 unreachable/unworkable, as well as 47 that had to be reached at new addresses (entirely because DergiPark moved from .gov to .org). These will all be rechecked.
Looking more closely at the malware cases for these 3,200 journals [thus including the fourth report], there are nine security-certificate problem, one spyware, seven malware in general, 18 phishing–and 94 Trojans. Looking at countries in this 20%, I see 70 in Indonesia, 21 Ukraine, 9 Serbia, 3 each in Brazil and Poland, two each in Colombia, Kenya and Turkey, and seventeen singletons.
Now, on to the next 1,600… and I might stop providing problematic-journal details, if the reports continue at all. Perhaps the most striking thing in this segment is that the 58 largest journals in the latest 1,600–mostly from MDPI, but with a few from Nature Publishing Group and others–went from 129,856 articles in 2019 to 184,357 in 2020.