Readership for the new edition and GOAJ3.
All links available from the project home page, as always.
GOA4: 2013-2018
- The dataset: 528 views, 179 downloads.
- GOA4: 2,197 PDF ebooks
- Countries 4: 432 PDF ebooks
- Subjects and Publishers: 331 PDF ebooks [Note: based on an almost total lack of interest–two responses to repeated feedback requests, and only one of the two positive–there won’t be another subjects/publishers book.]
GOAJ3: 2012-2017
- The dataset: 1,865 views, 346 downloads
- GOAJ3: 3,791 PDF ebooks
- Countries: 1,182 PDF ebooks
Not directly related, but I’m also checking total Cites & Insights visits–since I’ve promised to keep the site, now static, up at least through December 2021 but possibly no longer.
February 2020: 1,219 visits (as reported by AWStats and excluding visits with no actual reads or downloads).
March 2020: 2,493 visits.