GOA: Brief notes on journals 12,001-13,000

  • Of the 869 journals for which data has been recorded (131 are either unavailable or have malware or other issues), 58 (7%) have fees. (These are almost all university-based.)
  • Of that 58, I find that one is a membership fee, two are questionable (internal disagreement in the site or some other problem) and 13 consist of both submission and processing/publishing charges.
  • For 115 of the no-fee journals, I wasn’t certain of the no-fee status until I checked DOAJ.
  • Problematic cases include 55 malware cases, one that isn’t an OA journal, and 73 that couldn’t be reached or were unworkable. There was also one “xd” (renamed/ceased duplicate).
  • This is the last “thousand” note. Once I finish the last 1,128 in the first pass, I’ll send DOAJ a final group of problematic journals and post a new Google Sheet with the full set of problems–WAY too many of them.
  • I’ll recheck journals that seemed likely to have additional 2019 articles and most “xx” journals, and do a final pass for problematic journals beginning May 15.
  • Yes, of course I’m slowing down. If you’re at full productivity during the current situation, I’d wonder why.

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