- Of the 864 journals for which data has been recorded (136 are either unavailable or have malware or other issues), 15 (2%) have fees. (These are almost all university-based.)
- Of that 15, I find that two have fees that vary based on article length or author count.
- For 133 of the no-fee journals, I wasn’t certain of the no-fee status until I checked DOAJ.
- Problematic cases include 39 malware cases, one that isn’t an OA journal, and 87 that couldn’t be reached or were unworkable. There were also six “xd” (renamed/ceased duplicate).
- I’ll do a separate post (probably Thursday March 26) with a new spreadsheet of problematic journals (and send DOAJ a seperate list for 10,001-12,000, since they already have 1-10,000).