Cites & Insights 19:8 (December 2019) available

Cites & Insights 19:8 (December 2019) is now available for downloading at

The 51-page issue, delayed for a period because of unexpected health issues, includes:

Libraries pp. 1-9

Mostly material from several years ago, that still seems applicable today.

Media pp. 9-16

One group of items on books and reading, another on music and audio.

Intersections: Open Access Issues pp. 16-36

The last OA roundup in C&I, dealing with myths, impact, access, DOAJ and miscellany.

Media: Warriors Classic 50 Movies, 1 pp. 36-51

Twenty-four peplum/sword and sandals movies.

This is not (probably the final issue; that should appear in very late December (possibly as late as December 34 or so…)

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