Cites & Insights 19:6 (October 2019) is now available for downloading at
The 39-page issue consists of a single essay
Intersections: Preditorials and Other Questionable Items pp. 1-39
In what’s probably the last C&I essay on The Lists and so-called “predatory” publishing, this roundup begins with a look at a few of the many preditorials–my neologism (or portmanteau) for editorials and other commentaries based on the notions that The Lists are infallible and that “predatory” publishing is undermining scholarly communications. The rest of the roundup deals with related issues.
This may or may not be the antepenultimate issue of C&I (The Limelighters will never die…); even if–as seems likely given the volume of comments received–C&I disappears at the end of Volume 19, there might be one final farewell issue.