Archive for June, 2019

GOA4: June Update

Sunday, June 30th, 2019

Readership for the new edition and GOAJ3. As always, readership figures omit most of the last day of each month, because of the tools available.

All links available from the project home page, as always.

GOA4: 2013-2018

  • The dataset: 153 views, 25 downloads.
  • GOA4: 721 PDF ebooks and one paperback.
  • Countries 4: 173 PDF ebooks
  • Subjects and Publishers: 55 PDF ebooks

GOAJ3: 2012-2017

  • The dataset: 1,412 views, 179 downloads
  • GOAJ3: 3,328 PDF ebooks + 391 copies of first few chapters (C&I 18.3)
  • Countries: 997 PDF ebooks
  • Subject supplement (C&I 18.4): 493 downloads
  • One paperback

Cites & Insights June 2019 (19:2) available

Tuesday, June 25th, 2019

The June 2019 Cites & Insights (19:2) is now available at

The 72-page issue includes:

The Front: Some Notes on GOA4 pp. 1-12

A discussion of the new Key Facts tables, and a much longer discussion of how I use pivot tables in a template to make it possible to produce all three books from GOA4 within a few weeks after finishing the data gathering.

Intersections: Economics and Access 2019 pp. 12-72

Probably the last Economics and Access roundup, since 2019 is probably the last year for Cites & Insights.

Why is this a very late June 2019 issue rather than a slightly early July 2019 issue? Because I don’t know how many issues it will take to shut things down nicely. This gives me a little flexibility.

What would it take to keep C&I going, I hear almost nobody asking?

  • A lot more readership
  • Some useful feedback
  • Perhaps some sales of the annual paperback issues
  • And, of course, some sense that it still matters to hundreds of people.

I do plan to keep the GOA series going as long as SPARC finds it worth supporting and I believe I can do it well. I also plan to keep this blog going for a while–and I continue to be active on Facebook, Twitter and Mokum.

If plans do not change, I’ll keep the Cites & Insights site up for at least two years after the final edition of GOA or the final issue of C&I, whichever comes last. (And up for at least that long.)

Gold Open Access Subject/Publisher Profiles Available

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019

goa4 subjects & publisher cover

I’m pleased to announce the final piece of this year’s Gold Open Access project: Gold Open Access 2013-2018: Subject and Publisher Profiles.

This 6″ x 9″ trade paperback begins with additional tables for the subjects covered in Gold Open Access 2013-2018L Articles in Journals (GOA4). It then adds brief profiles (usually two pages, occasionally one or three) for each publisher with at least ten gold OA journals in DOAJ as of January 1, 2019.

These profiles are split into two parts:

  • Traditional, Open Access, and Society publishers
  • University and College publishers

There’s also a country index for all the publisher profiles. The cover represents those profiles (except for one in Serbia: the free heatmap tool I used doesn’t currently include Serbia–which was also probably missing from the cover of the Countries supplement).

The link above is to the $7.50 paperback at Lulu. The book is also available as a free PDF ebook at As always, you can find these and other links for all GOA versions at the project page,

This is an experiment, to see whether the publisher profiles are worthwhile. If you find them worthwhile, please let me know ( Otherwise, even if the GOA project continues, this will be a one-time experiment.