Readership figures for GOAJ3 (unfortunately missing most of today, 4/30, and the last day of each month)–and the final report on GOAJ2 as well. GOA4 will be out sometime in May, and future reports will include GOA4 and GOAJ3.
All links available from the project home page, as always.
GOAJ3: 2012-2017
- The dataset: 1,318views, 163 downloads \
- GOAJ3: 3,166 PDF ebooks + 300 copies of first few chapters (C&I 18.3)
- Countries: 936 PDF ebooks
- Subject supplement (C&I 18.4): 378 downloads
- No paperbacks
GOAJ2: 2011-2016
- The dataset: 737 views, 136 downloads.
- GOAJ2: 2,540 PDF ebooks (and two paperbacks), plus 1,423 copies of chapters 1-7 (C&I 17.4)
- Countries: 1,117 PDF ebooks (no paperbacks)
- Subject supplement (C&I 17.5): 2,118 copies
Gray OA
- 85ay OA 2012-2016 : 5,585 copies
- Corresponding dataset: 1,021 views, 227 downloads
- Gray OA 2014-2017: A Partial Followup: 1,706 copies
- Corresponding dataset: 1,073 views, 229 downloads