Archive for March, 2019

GOAJ3: March 2019 update

Sunday, March 31st, 2019

3eadership figures for GOAJ3 (unfortunately missing most of today, 3/31, and the last day of each month)–and, for now, I’ll keep reporting on GOAJ2 as well.

All links available from the project home page, as always.

GOAJ3: 2012-2017

  • The dataset: 845 views, 154 downloads [last month’s “views” figure was in error]
  • GOAJ3: 3,016 PDF ebooks + 288 copies of first few chapters (C&I 18.3)
  • Countries: 904PDF ebooks
  • Subject supplement (C&I 18.4): 359 downloads
  • No paperbacks

GOAJ2: 2011-2016

  • The dataset: 729 views, 134 downloads.
  • GOAJ2: 2,495 PDF ebooks (and two paperbacks), plus 1,412 copies of chapters 1-7 (C&I 17.4)
  • Countries: 1,075 PDF ebooks (no paperbacks)
  • Subject supplement (C&I 17.5): 2,082 copies

Gray OA

Gold Open Access Journals 4: Possible changes

Monday, March 25th, 2019

As I work to prepare matrices for Gold Open Access Journals 4, 2013-2018, before starting the second data pass next week (April 1), I find that I’m *definitely* planning some presentation changes, while keeping things as comparable to GOAJ3 as makes sense–but I’m also thinking that some additional changes might make it more useful and used.

The principles behind the planned and possible changes: to increase clarity and to increase the emphasis on articles and costs. That is: you can analyze percentages of no-fee gold OA journals in DOAJ easily enough, directly on DOAJ. What makes my research different is that I look at article counts–and on possible average cost per article for a grouping, which is far more meaningful than average fee per journal.

Already planned

  • Change “APC” to “Fee” throughout, and “Free” to “No-fee” (or “No fee” as appropriate). (Note that “Fee” includes submission and processing/publishing fees, and required society memberships if present. That’s always been true for “APC” in these reports.)
  • Replace the “Journals and articles” table that begins most discussions with a new “Key Facts” table that (a) drops the %Free column for journals (but retains %No-fee for articles), (b) adds a $/article column. (c) expands the table to show figures for each of the three segments as well as overall figures, (d) in most cases (excluding the first/overall occurrence), adds Rel% columns showing how this group’s percentages and $/art compare with overall figures. [Example: For Latin America in 2017, Article fee% is -75% relative to the universe, $/article is down 94%, and so on…]
  • There will be a chapter offering some comparisons of the four generations of DOAJ data.

Being considered (comments welcome!)

In most tables that currently show no-fee journal percentages as a column, drop that column and add a $/article column.

Comments welcome (for the next two weeks at least).

Example added [3/26/19]

To help visualize and consider these possible [probable] changes, I’ve generated a PDF consisting of three chapters [using the same Word template as last year]:

  1. A “chapter” with a set of sample tables using all 2017 data (except in one case, where both the universe table and a table for Latin America appear)
  2. Chapter 16, Latin America, from GOAJ3, unchanged.
  3. Chapter 16, Latin America, with new tables and figures based on the changes discussed above. [Commentary has not generally been changed, and I haven’t moved tables to save space. If journal counts are different than those in the first Chapter 16–I haven’t checked–it’s because the new matrix is entirely consistent in using overall analyzed journal counts except where annual activity is clearly indicated; in some cases, the new journal count may be higher.]

GOAJ4: Malware and other issues, part 3 [final]

Thursday, March 21st, 2019


See this post–almost all malware cases have been fixed.

GOAJ4: Malware and other issues, part 2

Friday, March 1st, 2019

Update on malware:

See this post. Nearly all malware problems have been fixed.