Cites & Insights 18:5 (August 2018) available

Cites & Insights 18:5 (August 2018) is now available for downloading at

The 34-page summer-light issue includes the following:

Intersections: GOAJ: Commentary Examples  pp. 1-7

I could really use feedback on some aspects of the Gold Open Access Journals project, if it goes forward. Two decision points are whether to include my quick comments for each country as part of the Countries book, and whether to include quick comments for each subject as part of the Subject Supplement. This “article” includes some samples of such commentary.

The Middle: Futurism and Forecasts  pp. 7-21

Commentary on a combination of general futurism, library futurism and specific forecasts, ranging from 2014 to 2018.

The Back  pp. 22-34

Small snarky items on a range of things.


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