Gold Open Access Journals by Country 2012-2017

I’m delighted to announce that Gold Open Access Journals by Country 2012-2017 is now available as a $7.50 trade paperback from Lulu and as a free PDF ebook at my own website.

As always, links are also on the Gold Open Access Journals page.

Some quick notes:

  • This book is not equivalent to the two Countries of OAWorld editions: it includes all journals for each country, including those in APCLand. That makes a huge difference for nine countries and smaller differences for 20 others.
  • That inclusion also means that regional tables and graphs, included in full, are different than the regional chapters in GOAJ3.
  • The paperback is $7.50 because it’s longer; I get $0.17 out of each sale.
  • Yes, there will be a questionnaire/survey of some sort before the next GOAJ round (if there is one)…
  • The subject supplement will appear as the July 2018 issue of Cites & Insights (18.4), almost certainly some time before June 25 (if not, it may not appear until early July, as I’m likely to be out of commission for a few days). Note that the link in this paragraph will yield a 404 error until Cites & Insights 18.4 is actually published.
  • Thanks once again to SPARC for sponsorship of the GOAJ project–and to DOAJ for its support.
  • If there’s a formatting error or two, almost certainly a label row not bolded or numeric values not right-aligned, mea culpa. I’ve proofread the Word document three times and PDF versions twice, but with hundreds of tables, I may still have missed something. (Actual data errors are less likely, as, other than the paragraph at the start of each chapter, everything is done by copy-and-paste from Excel. Without the magic of pivot tables that refresh as data is changed, this book would not have been feasible.)

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