Cites & Insights: September 2017 issue (17:8) available

The September 2017 issue of Cites & Insights (17:8) is now available for downloading at

A very personal and very short issue (12 6″ x 9″ pages) includes two essays:

The Front: Maybe I’m Doing it Wrong  pp. 1-4

Hat-tip to Randy Newman for the title, and–although this was written over the weekend and it’s not referred to in the essay, even indirectly–to CHE for once again making my point.

Perspective: Where I Stand: OA, “Predatory,” Blacklists, the Bealllists and Thought Leadership  pp. 4-12

That’s not even the full title. There’s a subtitle, “or why 140 characters is less than 1% of what I need to say about this cluster of topics,” which relates to the Twitter “conversation” that resulted in this somewhat-redundant commentary being written.

Enjoy. Or not.

Modified 9:10 a.m. to fix link-ruining typo. Thanks, Linda Ueki Absher

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