Cites & Insights 17:2 (February 2017) is now available for downloading at
The 30-page issue (6″ x 9″, single column, optimized for online/tablet reading) includes:
The Front pp. 1-3
Announcing the 2016 Cites & Insights Annual and reduced prices for all C&I Annuals; also a change to CC BY (from CC BY-NC) and partial readership notes.
Technology pp. 4-18
Eleven little items spotlighting older (but still relevant) items–and an update on the bandwidth of a 747: it’s now 4.7 petabits per second (New York to LA), assuming consumer media–namely a whole bunch of 4 terabyte solid state drives. (As before, the limiting factor is always weight, not space.)
The Back pp. 18-30
The annual update to The Money of Music, and eleven other items or groups of items.
The next issue will probably be on Economics and Access. When that will be…well, I’ve started the scan for Gold Open Access Journals 2012-2016 (that might turn out to be 2011-2016 if I can figure out how to make the tables readable), and we’ll see how that goes.