I’m pleased to announce the availability of Gold Open Access Journals 2011-2015, the results of my comprehensive study of serious gold OA: journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals as of December 31, 2015.
For links to the free (and complete) dataset, the free PDF ebook, and the $6 trade paperback, check the project page at http://waltcrawford.name/goaj.html
Thanks again to SPARC for sponsoring this project.
It’s not quite done yet: there will be a book-length supplement detailing subjects, and probably a book-length supplement detailing OA by country (excluding the 11 big publishers in “APCLand”). Those supplements will show up on the project page and be announced in posts when they’re ready.
A brief version of the book, roughly one-third of its content, will appear as Cites & Insights 16:5, probably tomorrow (June 1, 2016).
Added 6/1/16: Turns out you do need to sign in to Lulu for free PDFs, so I’ve added another copy of the PDF ebook–no account or registration or cookies involved. The project page now includes that link, or you can just get it directly.