The (Fuller) OA Landscape: Clarifications and Deadlines

This note replaces my earlier discussions of what might/might  not happen in terms of completing the scan (of those DOAJ listings not included in the earlier study) and its outcome. A much longer version will (probably) appear in the August/September 2015 Cites & Insights (if there is one), but this one has the gist.

The Obvious

  • Nobody forced me to take on the extra 4,200 journals or promised any funding. It’s my own idea, and it’s interesting enough that I’ve watched almost no old movies and written nothing for C&I while doing it.
  • Obviously, I’ll finish the scan. (About 918 left to go–but I’ll revisit 300-400 “not able to analyze fully” cases, so call it 1,300.)
  • Obviously, I won’t entirely hide the results unless people pay for it.

The Plan

  • I will prepare a detailed analysis of the results–a very-nearly-entirely-complete view of The Open Access Landscape 2011-2014. It will be a 6×9″ paperback involvingw some new ways of looking at the data that may provide better insights, along with the methods I’ve The so far.
  • A shorter and simpler version of the analysis–lacking any graphs–will probably make up most or all of the October 2015 (or October/November 2015, or if I’m really feeling burned out the Fall 2015) issue of Cites & Insights, probably out in mid to late September, possibly not until October (the same time the book appears, since the issue will be derived from the book).
  • The book will be available in PDF ebook and paperback print forms.

The Deadline and Terms

  • From now through September 1, 2015, a $50 (or more) donation to Cites and Insights (the Paypal link is on the home page) will yield three perquisites:
  1. A link to the PDF ebook for the Interim Open Access Landscape Subject Approach, with working hotlinks for chapters, tables and graphs.
  2. A link to a special Lulu page where you can buy the paperback version of the same  book (186 p., 6×9″) for $7 plus shipping.
  3. Most importantly, once the book is ready, a link to an exclusive PDF ebook version with working hotlinks for chapters, tables and graphs.
  • After September 1, 2015, this offer is void.
  • When the full book is available, the PDF ebook version (without working hotlinks) will be at least $55; the paperback (probably around 250 pages) will be at least $60.

The Unknown

What about the dataset itself, which will certainly include full details for more than 9,000 journals in DOAJ as of early June 2015, and is likely to include 9,500 or more journals?

If donations and sales warrant, or if somebody can make a convincing case, an anonymized version will be posted to Figshare.

Otherwise, not.

(In practice, while the Figshare version of the partial dataset has been viewed more than 300 times, I’ve seen no indication that anybody has credited it in any further work–or that it’s actually been used by anybody, with the possible exception of DOAJ itself, which asked for and received a special version.)

As for a five-year overview (2011-2015):

  • I’d love to do it, if there’s strong indication that it will be worthwhile.
  • It would be reasonably “easy,” as I’d “just” have to recheck journals for APC changes, add journals added in 2015, and revisit journals to pick up 2015 article counts. Best guess is that I could finish it by the end of March 2016, assuming that I picked up a DOAJ list in early January 2016.
  • As always, I’m open to proposals:

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