Library Technology Reports and access

I’ve just been informed that Library Technology Reports–which is sold by subscription and by individual issue, but really functions more as a brief monographic series–has moved to the OJS platform (as have several other ALA publications).

Perhaps more to the point:

  • Going forward, issues will be open access after a year. (The first chapter of each issue is usually available immediately.) Note that LTR is not a “authors submit articles for free” situation: I’ve done two issues in the past (with one in process) and been paid for each one. (It’s a single fee, not a royalty situation, if you’re interested.)
  • For the next couple of months, all of the archives are freely available. Thus, “Big-Deal Serial Purchasing: Tracking the Damage” (LTR 50:4, May/June 2014) is now fully available (and since it will be a year old in a couple of months, should remain so), as is “Policy and Library Technology” (LTR 41:2, March/April 2005).

This may be a good opportunity for some of you to explore the LTR archives. And you can back up the URL (remove the /LTR) to for a few of the other ALA-published journals such as LRTS.

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