Cites & Insights 15.2 (February 2015) available

Cites & Insights 15.2 (February 2015) is now available for downloading at

The two-column print-oriented version (with non-working links but with boldface) is 24 pages long.

A single-column 6×9″ version optimized for online viewing and with working hyperlinks (but without boldface), 46 pages long, is available at

For those of you tired of open access facts and figures, this issue has less than half a page (on page 3) devoted to open access.

The issue includes:

The Front  pp. 1-3

Notes on readership, 2014. Also a few notes on “the fourth half,” partially likely to appear in the March 2015 issue.

The Middle: Deathwatch 2014!  pp. 3-15

That’s right! After a one-year hiatus, it’s time for another Deathwatch, and this one does include a few death of books/death of libraries items.

Policy: ©: Going to Extremes  pp. 15-24

Starting with 69 citations on copyright extremism (from both sides), this roundup includes two dozen items that still seemed worth noting.


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