Announcing C&I Volume 14, the paperback version (with bonuses!)

ci14fc300The paperback annual Cites & Insights 14 (2014) is now available for purchase at

The 344-page 8.5×11″ trade paperback (printed on 60# white paper) includes all eleven issues of Cites & Insights 14 and a table of contents. It also includes three exclusive bonuses:

  • An index (actually two indexes, one for articles quoted in the volume, the other for names, topics and the like.
  • A wraparound color cover.
  • To complete the Journals and “Journals” series, an essay that will also appear as the first 20+ pages of the January 2015 Cites & Insights (to be published some time in December 2014).

While Volume 14 includes several essays related to ebooks (and print books, libraries, textbooks), magazines, futurism (in general and as applied to libraries) and more, the obvious focus of much of the year was open access–specifically, a series on access and ethics and a major series of all original research on Journals and “Journals,” looking at the nature of gold OA journals in 2011-2014 through actual examination of the websites of more than ten thousand journals and “journals” (the latter being things called journals that have never actually published any articles).

The paperback sells for $45 (as do all C&I Annuals), and helps to support C&I.

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