In “The Size of the Open Access Market (and an admission)” I said that the January 2015 issue would include a cleaned-up version of that post, some stuff that was originally supposed to be part of the December 2014 issue–and a partial completion of the DOAJ set, looking at the 1,200+ biology and medicine journals.
The full completion was planned as a special edition only appearing in the bound PoD paperback C&I Annual for 2014–and possibly as part of a separate book on Journals and “Journals.”
There’s a change, as noted in the second postscript to that post: I’ve given up on the “special edition” idea and have now included the full “third half” of the Journals and “Journals” Second Look in the January 2015 issue. Which will arrive, I don’t know, sometime before January 1, 2015.
A separate book? Still up in the air.