Archive for October, 2014

Cites & Insights 14:10 (October/November 2014) available

Monday, October 13th, 2014

The October/November 2014 issue of Cites & Insights (14:10) is now available for downloading at

This two-column print-oriented version is 24 pages long.

If you plan to read the issue online or on an ereader or tablet, you should download the 49-page single-column 6×9″ version at  That’s especially true this time, as the 48 tables that make up much of the content of this issue are wider and mostly have larger type in the single-column version making them easier to read.

The issue consists of one essay:

Journals and “Journals”: Taking a Deeper Look

This essay builds on the July 2014 Cites & Insights investigation by including full article counts for the thousands of OA journals in Beall’s lists (that is, those that actually publish articles!) and those published by OASPA members, extending the article counts back to 2011, and modifying the groups of journals to be more meaningful.

It also introduces the rough numbers for the new set of Gold OA journals that will form the heart of Part 2 of this two-part essay (the December 2014 C&I), namely more than three thousand journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals as of May 7, 2014 that aren’t in one of the other two sets, that do have enough English in the interface for me to analyze them and that are not on biology-related or human medicine-related topics.