It begins with Generations of Readers.
It ends with Dynamic Gateways for Lifelong Learning.
In between, you’ll find humor, sage advice (“Reading is good. Thinking is better.”), philosophy and more. And a moose. In all, 1,137 unique mottoes and slogans, plus another 88 mottoes and slogans shared by 205 public libraries.
I’m delighted to announce that the less serious side of the $4 to $1 project is now complete and available for sale:
The 163-page 6″ x 9″ paperback (vi+157 p.) is $16.99.
The non-DRM PDF ebook (also vi+157 p. of 6″ x 9″ images and it does include bookmarks for subheadings and each state) is $8.99.
I think you’ll find it interesting. I believe you’ll find it amusing. You might even find it inspiring at times–I know I did.
It’s a book best read a few pages at a time–maybe one state (although some states like Illinois, Pennsylvania and–especially–New York should probably be split over two sittings).
Since the crowdfunding project failed, I am offering the book for sale.
You can also get a special deluxe PDF edition (with front and back covers added) by contributing at least $50 to Cites & Insights and requesting a copy. (For that matter, contribute at least $100 to Cites & Insights and I’ll ask whether you want an autographed paperback copy–but that will take a few weeks.)
This book was fun to do (given that I spread out the “research” over more than three months, looking at 20 libraries at a time, typically 4 or 5 times a day). I think you’ll enjoy the results.