Cites & Insights 13:9 (September 2013) available–special issue

Cites & Insights 13:9 (September 2013) is now available for downloading at the Cites & Insights homepage.

The early, special issue is 10 pages long. If you’re reading online or doing anything other than printing it out, you’re much better off downloading the single-column online edition, which is 24 pages long, as most of the special issue is a rough draft of a book chapter that includes graphs and tables, which had to be compressed (reducing the type size in the tables quite a bit!) to fit into the narrower columns of the print version.

The issue consists of a single essay (albeit one that includes a draft book chapter as an example):

$4 to $1: Public Library Benefits and Budgets–Help Needed  pp. 1-10

I’ve started the followup to Give Us a Dollar and We’ll Give You Back Four (2012-13), and I’m trying to crowdfund inexpensive or free versions of the book (and presell copies) through an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.

This issue describes the project: Two books (one with libraries by size, one with libraries by state) combining tables, graphs and commentary to offer reasonably detailed pictures of countable public library benefits for FY2011 and how they’ve changed from 2009 to 2011, and A Library Is..., a collection of public library slogans and mottoes.

In addition to describing the project, why I’m trying crowdfunding, what happens if the campaign does (or doesn’t) succeed and how this relates to existing books, I provide a rough-draft sample of what the book will include–Chapter 3, covering libraries with fewer than 1,000 potential patrons [more than one-ninth of America’s public libraries and systems].

The campaign runs through mid-August. This is the September 2013 C&I: There won’t be another one for at least six weeks and probably more.

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