The Big Deal and the Damage Done: Campus license edition

I’ve now had two universities ask about the legalities of making this book available on a library/campus ebook server–especially one that doesn’t impose single-user limitations.

My response had been to buy three or four copies if that felt right, but that’s not really a good response, especially for a public institution.

So…there’s now a third edition. It differs from the $9.99 PDF in three ways:

  1. It’s $40
  2. As you can see below, the cover has one added line at the bottom.
  3. A sentence on the copyright page provides explicit permission to load this on a campus ebook server that lacks simultaneous-user controls.

Yes, that would apply to a campus with a library school as well. I’m assuming that off-campus users are authenticated in some manner; I’m certainly not out to give anybody trouble.

Hope this helps!



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