South Dakota public libraries

Another post commenting on Chapter 20 of Give Us a Dollar and We’ll Give You Back Four (2012-13)–now available as a $9.99 Kindle ebook or $21.95 paperback with ISBN 978-1481279161 on Amazon, along with the usual Lulu options. Note that Lulu prices for the paperback and hardback versions are now lower.

Most of South Dakota’s 106 profiled libraries (six were omitted) have middling funding, with three-quarters spending $12 to $42.99. Circulation is mildly low in general, while patron visits are typical. Program attendance and PC use are also fairly typical (except that there’s a slight bulge at the very bottom in each case).

Libraries by legal service area

LSA Count % Outliers
<700 24 22.6% 4
700-1,149 18 17.0%
1,150-1,649 12 11.3% 1
1,650-2,249 8 7.5%
2,250-2,999 7 6.6%
3,000-3,999 8 7.5%
4,000-5,299 3 2.8%
5,300-6,799 4 3.8% 1
6,800-8,699 3 2.8%
8,700-11,099 3 2.8%
11,100-14,099 4 3.8%
14,100-18,499 3 2.8%
18,500-24,999 5 4.7%
25,000-34,499 1 0.9%
34,500-53,999 1 0.9%
54,000-104,999 1 0.9%
105,000-4.1 mill. 1 0.9%

Circulation per capita and spending per capita

Circulation per capita correlates moderately (0.48) with spending per capita.

Circulation per capita plotted against spending per capita

Circulation per capita (rounded) occurrence by spending category

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