I probably said it would be out the first week of January 2013, but it was ready, so…
Cites & Insights 13:1 (January 2013) is now available for downloading at http://citesandinsights.info/civ13i1.pdf
The issue is 40 pages long.
The “online edition,” designed for faster downloading and easy reading on most e-devices larger than phones, is also available; it’s 77 pages long.
I’m now consistently creating the PDFs directly in Word, which means they may be somewhat larger but will have bookmarks for all article headings.
This issue includes the following essays–also available as HTML separates at http://citesandinsights.info, although this may be the last issue for which that’s true (see the first essay for details)
The Front pp. 1-4
Of books and journals: notes on my forthcoming (or here now?) ALA Editions book, changes in other recent books, the annual edition of C&I–and the results of the reader service. Ends with a straightforward challenge: If you want HTML separates to continue, you’ll need to contribute to C&I.
Catching Up with Open Access 1 pp. 4-40
The first half of a roundup on Open Access covering portions of the last couple of years. This half includes citations and commentary on advantages, colors & flavors, repositories, mandates, problems, PeerJ, history, philosophy and miscellany, ethics, tactics and strategies, and scholarly societies. (The second half will appear in the February 2013 issue.)
This was a great issue and I’m excited for part two.