The preceding post lacks one crucial element in two of the three bonus graphs: the legend, showing what those colored lines and markers mean. That’s because it’s excerpted directly from the book’s manuscript, and I omitted legends in most graphs simply to leave more room for the graphs themselves.
The first multiline graph in each chapter (and occasionally others with relatively few data points) does include the graph. So, to provide that info, here’s another portion of Chapter 10 in Graphing Public Library Benefits, with the legend in Figure 10.3 showing the colors and markers used for all multiline graphs (some of which don’t have markers).
Open Hours
One library system with $160 per capita funding, with outlets open a total of 13,468 hours, is omitted from these graphs. Open hours correlate moderately (0.35) with spending per capita.
Figure 10.2 Open hours plotted against spending per capita
Figure 10.3 Open hours (to nearest hundred) occurrence by spending category, part 1
Figure 10.4 Open hours (to nearest hundred) occurrence by spending category, part 2