Cites & Insights 12:10 (November 2012) available

The November 2012 issue of Cites & Insights (12:10) is now available for downloading at

The issue is 32 pages long. For those who prefer to read on e-devices, the single-column 60-page 6×9″ edition is also available, at

The issue includes three essays, each also available as HTML separates from (or, if you’re reading this on or from a blog, via the title headings below):

   Give Us a Dollar and We’ll Give You Back Four (2012-13): Commentary, Part 1  (pp. 1-22)

Casual commentary on a few of the interesting items in Chapters 2-19 of Give Us a Dollar and We’ll Give You Back Four (2012-13). You may have seem slightly different versions of some of this commentary on Walt at Random; that will continue for some time to come…

The CD-ROM Project  (pp. 22-24)

Seeing whether six first-rate Dorling-Kindersley explorational CD-ROM titles will work in a current operating environment. I wish I had good news here…

The Back  (pp. 24-32)

Hi-fi fun and other nonsense: Seventeen little rants. See if you can spot which one was added at the last minute for copyfitting reasons…



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