Cites & Insights survey, only for people who read it online in PDF form

Since the most popular response to “how do you read Cites & Insights” in the previous survey (as discussed here) was “Online PDF form”–and since, with one exception, there were no suggestions on how an online-oriented PDF version might work better–I’ve put together a mockup of what the January-February 2012 issue might look like in an online/e-device-oriented PDF.

The mockup is here.

If you’re one of those who provided that response, or if you’re another C&I reader who typically reads the PDF version online or on an e-device, I’m asking you to do two things by Sunday, March 4:

  1. Take a look at the online-oriented version,
  2. Respond to this survey.

Note: This version contains all the text and pictures from the “real” C&I January-February 2012, with a few changes in headline sizes to work better–but there may be irregularities in the formatting, since I didn’t actually create a new template (and won’t unless I decide it’s worth doing). The version is 36 pages long (rather than 20). It does not have page numbers, but it does have PDF bookmarks for essays and subheadings.

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