I’m revamping Cites & Insights to some extent, and I’d like your opinions on a few things.
Take this very brief survey–if it takes you more than two minutes, I’d be surprised–to let me know a few items. No essays required, no questions about financial support, and it’s as anonymous as any other SurveyMonkey survey. If you don’t like the link above:
Please take the survey by the end of February 2012, if possible; initial changes will be reflected in the next issue of Cites & Insights, probably out sometime in March 2012.
I promise to look at the results. I don’t promise to be bound by them. Depending on the results, there may be future surveys.
Thanks for your help!
Update, 5:30 p.m. PDT, February 12: This is my first SurveyMonkey survey. I now see that there’s a limit of 100 responses. As of now, there are 8. I’ll check once or twice a day; once the limit’s been reached–if we get there–I’ll note that here and elsewhere.
If the results are at all ambiguous (in a way that might otherwise be useful), I’ll do a follow-on survey with similar questions in a different form, inviting other people to respond.