Ohio complete: Good luck with the voting

The Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County serves around 238,000 people and has a bunch of social icons on its clearly-organized homepage, including a Facebook page with nearly 2,000 likes and a Twitter account with…well, with 157 followers.

And, given that this library appears as “YOUNGSTOWN AND MAHONING COUNTY, PL OF” in the spreadsheet, that’s the last Ohio library–a few days after Ada Public School District Library started it out.

Ohio went a little faster than expected because most (but certainly not all!) Ohio libraries have websites and most (but certainly not all!) of the libraries with social network accounts (which might or might not be a majority of the libraries–not doing that sort just yet) have icons on the homepages that link to those accounts. That makes it faster, and “encouraging” searches (those that yield results) keep me going longer between breaks.

Good luck with the levies

It’s abundantly clear, doing this sweep between November 5 and 8, that a fair number of Ohio libraries are going out for tax levies. I’ll assume (and hope!) that these libraries have engaged their communities and been strong enough contributors that they’ve made the case for financial support. Good luck to all of you in passing the levies.

Next up, Rhode Island, and with only 47 libraries to check, I should finish that today and move on to Virginia. Interleaving that with continued work on the first 2/3 of the manuscript, based on the first 25-state survey, to be sure. And maybe, just maybe, an entirely different post.

Meanwhile, if you’re in Ohio, go vote. Or, for that matter, if you have local elections (not everybody does, as some offyears in some places don’t have any contested positions), go vote–if you have an opinion and know what or who you’re voting for [or in some cases against]. I certainly will.

2 Responses to “Ohio complete: Good luck with the voting”

  1. Stephen Michael Kellat says:

    Issue 2 is a state-wide issue that impacts public sector employment here including most libraries. That is a big one beyond the levies.

    I voted earlier, thankfully, as I am on the road today.

  2. Michael Golrick says:

    Or some states (well, one anyway), has its elections on Saturdays.

    I am not clear (yet) on how Louisiana chooses its dates. Our primaries are “open” which means that if two or more people are running, regardless of affiliation or not, they start in the open primary. If you win 50% of the vote +1, you are declared the winner. (So if only two are running, there is always a winner from the primary.) This year, the incumbent governor had seven or eight opponents, yet he still gathered about 2/3 of the vote. That means he was (re-)elected. The primary was held on October 22.

    Our general election will be on November 19. It is sort of good news in New Orleans, since the Saints don’t play that week. Or is it bad news because people will be out of town and many events are scheduled for the “bye” weekend? I know I will both vote and go to a neighborhood festival that day!

    Oh, and for the federal elections (like President), we do vote on the same day as everyone else.