Cites & Insights 11:1 (January 2011) now available

Cites & Insights 11:1 (January 2011) is now available for downloading.

The 32-page issue is a PDF download as usual. HTML separates–or, in one case, PDF separate–are available for most essays; follow the links below.

This issue includes:

Bibs & Blather (pp. 1-2)

Announcing The Liblog Landscape 2007-2010 (and a pre-Midwinter early-bird discount) and Cites & Insights 10 in book form (also with a pre-Midwinter discount).

Interesting & Peculiar Products (pp. 2-9)

Sixteen products and eight roundups/Editors’ Choices, from USB 3.0 to Windows 7 on an 11-year-old PC.

The Liblog Landscape 2007-2010: Chapter 3: How, Where and When (pp. 9-18)

[Note: This link is to a 6×9″ PDF.] Six aspects of most or all of the 1,304 liblogs in this massive study: How they’re created (blogging software), where they’re written (country of origin), how visible they are (Google Page Rank), when they began, how long they’ve lasted and currency (a timed snapshot of freshness of posts).

Trends & Quick Takes (pp. 18-24)

From scientific articles as stories to asking professional writers for favors: five mini-essays and another five quicker takes.

The CD-ROM Project (pp. 22-24)

Three title CD-ROMs related to national parks–and a somewhat downbeat group of mini-reviews. Well, except that is such a great contemporary resource.

Offtopic Perspective: Legends of Horror Part 2 (pp. 24-29)

Great and very good films: None. Films I wasn’t willing to watch all the way through: Two. I’m done with this set, in more ways than one.

My Back Pages (pp. 29-32)

A bonus for those who download the issue as a PDF. Nine snarky little writeups on various topics–including an ingenious (but dumb) way to attempt to evade copyright.

There will not be a special Midwinter issue of Cites & Insights, particularly given the early timing of ALA Midwinter 2011 and the fact that I won’t be attending.

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