I’ve completed the excruciating validity pass, and now know not to ever, ever sort a spreadsheet when any columns are hidden. (But I also added some metrics during the pass, so it wasn’t entirely wasted.)
As a reminder, I’m accepting new liblog candidates for one more day (and will probably start gathering metrics for the existing two dozen new candidates today–and probably finish, come to think of it–and finish tomorrow). I’ll turn off comments on that post at the end of the workday tomorrow, September 15.
So here’s one more crowdsource request. There are 181 liblogs for which I can’t readily figure out one interesting (new) metric:
How many posts have there been from the start of the blog through May 31, 2010?
I’d like to cut that number down a little. If you feel like helping, great…and I’d need responses by October 14, 2010–one month from now. Comment or email to waltcrawford at gmail dot com, with the name of the blog and the number of posts. New deadline: October 7, 2010 (although I might be able to get late responses in, fact is most responses to any post come within a week.)
What’s the problem?
These blogs fall into one (or more) of several categories:
- There’s a list of monthly (or weekly, sigh) archival links without counts, but no “older posts” link, and there are enough months that I wasn’t willing to do the work of bringing up each archive and counting the posts. If you’re eager to help, this one’s simple, just tedious.
- There’s an “older posts” link–but it’s one of the cute Blogger templates that, instead of giving “p=2” or some other pagecount within the URL on the second and succeeding pages, gives some long parameter string. Again, this one’s reasonably simple (assuming that the “older posts” brings up the same number of posts on all but the oldest page–NOT always a safe assumption) but tedious: You just count pages as you click on the “older post” link until there is no such link.
- There is no “older posts” link and no archival links–or the Very Special LJ/SLJ Case, where all links (older posts and monthly archives) bring up a 404 page. In these cases, I don’t believe anybody but the owner of the blog would be in a position to tell me how many posts there are.
Will the project suffer badly if I’m missing 15% of the total-posts metrics? Not really; almost every metric in a study like this has some missing values. (For example, I was unable or unwilling to calculate total length of posts during March-May 2010 for 106 of the 814 liblogs that have posts in March-May 2010.)
Still, having a few more values wouldn’t hurt, if there are people with time on their hands or, perhaps more plausibly, if you own one of the blogs in this list or can contact the person who does. Again: I need the total count of posts through May 31, 2010–excluding any posts since then.
The List
100 Scope Notes
Academic Librarian
Accidental Aussie
Adventures in Library Land
Adventures of an InfoMage in Training
All Things Amy
Amusing Things that Patrons Do and Say in the Library Environment
Annoyed Librarian
ASC Online
At Home He’s a Tourist
Audiophile Librarian
BiblioTech Web
bitter librarian
Blog of the Prism Fellows
book gypsy
Book Kitten
Books to curl up with: a librarian’s musings
Bowllan’s blog
Brave New World
Bronwyn’s Library Blog
Bubble Room
capital city desk
Chinese Canadian Library Weblog
Concerned Librarians of British Columbia
Confessions of a Mad Librarian
Connie Crosby
Convivial Librarian
Country Librarian
Creating the One-shot Library Workshop
Creative Librarian
Data Obsessed
Daveman’s Blog
Digitization 101
Dirty Librarian
Dynamic Librarian
edifice ref
Elementary School Blog
ephramyfan’s blog
Fairly Used
Far Off Librarian
Free the Books
Frequently Answered Questions
From a KC Librarian
Games, Gamers, & Gaming
Good Comics for Kids
Grassroots Librarian
HappyGeek’s CodeX
Hazman Aziz
Head Tale
Health, Science, & Libraries
Heavy Medal
Heretical Librarian
hybrid librarian
info breaker
info NeoGnostic
InfoCommuner’s Info Harbor
Information Technology Division of the Ohio Library Council
Information Tyrannosaur
Lady Crumpet’s Armoire
Leah’s Law Library Weblog
Lethal Librarian
Liberry Blooze
Librarian Ire
Librarian on the Bayou
Librarians Helping Canadian Genealogists Climb Family Trees
Library Advocate.
Library and Information Science Miscellaneous
Library Angst
Library Boy
Library Chronicles
Library Despot 3.0
Library Monk
Library Technology NOW
Lines from the Library
Loriene’s Blog
Lost in the StuporMarket
LOTR Librarian
Miss Information
Mr. Mustache, another librarian blog
Muller In the Middle
Musings from Vermont
New Jack Librarian
New Jersey Academic Librarian
Nonfiction Matters
Observations from the front line
Ocean In View
Old Fox’s KM blotter
On Google Scholar
One New Thing
Open Reading Frame
Oyarsa’s Observances
Physics Information Fluency
Pimp My Library
Pop Goes the Library
Practically Paradise
Print Matters
Professional-Lurker: Comments by an academic in cyberspace
Queequeg’s Content Saloon
Rachel Vacek
Redhead Fangirl
repressed librarian
RPS’ lazy KO blog
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog
SciTech Library Question
scribble scribble scribble
Search Engine Showdown Blog
See Also…
serials scene
Shelf Monkey
Shelf Renewal
Stephen Gallant Review
Tales from Library Land
Tennant: Digital Libraries
The Aardvark Speaks
The Centered Librarian
the cynic librarian
The Days & Nights of the Lipstick Librarian!
The Digital Librarian
The Good Library Blog
The Handheld Librarian
The Hot Librarian
The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics
The InfoMan’s Blog
The Laughing Librarian
The Leary Letter
The Librarydude!
the log of a librarian
The Loud Librarian
The Search Lounge
The Vampire Librarian
The Well Dressed Librarian
The Zenformation Professional
Thoughts from a Library Administrator
Tillabooks: Will’s Book Blog
Tiny Little Librarian
Tom Keays :: Blog
Trading knowledge
Twisted Librarian
Vancouver Law Librarian Blog
Virtual Ehsan Real Blog
walking paper
What I’m Reading Now
When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Librarian!
Wireless Libraries
Young Librarian
Library Angst: A mere 87 posts total (well, plus one on 6/1/10). I’m more active on my science fiction blog. 🙂
For See Also, it was 493.
Young Librarian is pretty much deceased, but Blogger is telling me I made 317 posts and the last one is dated August 2008.
Thanks! (Katie: Not sure why that got trapped as spam, but I recovered it…and, in all cases, have updated the spreadsheet.)
hi walt
amazed you have my blog scribble scribble scribble on your list:)
there’s 1, 153 posts from the beginning in 2004 to may 31st 2010.
Are you happy now?
What does such a measure mean?
Walt, my blog Information Tyrannosaur has 127 posts (wow) since it’s inception in 2008 to May 31, 2010.
Thanks. More? (Moving the deadline up to October 7; other projects going a little faster than expected.)
Hi Walt – Shelf Renewal has had a total of 175 posts since we became an LJ blog. Prior to that, we had 32 posts on our original site, if you want to count those as anything.
Thanks Rebecca.
The “Games, Gamers and Gaming” blog under my byline (which begins March 2009) shows 93 posts as of this date.
Liz: Thanks…but the deadline for these counts was some time ago (and I’ve already completed that phase of the analysis). I had 78 posts for your blog through May 31, 2010, which is consistent with the number here.