Making the Case 1: Sponsoring C&I (and Walt at Random?)

Cites & Insights needs sponsorship–and ALA Annual would be a great time to set it up. That sponsorship could easily include a sidebar ad or banner on Walt at Random.

Current Reach

Here’s what I find from Urchin’s log analysis for January 1, 2010 through June 16, 2010:

  • Cites & Insights: Nearly 40,000 PDF downloads and 174,000 pageviews. An average of 1,000 pageviews and 400 sessions per day. More than 69,000 readers (based on IP addresses) this year.
  • Walt at Random: More than 617,000 pageviews–an average of 3,700 per day, in 1,500 sessions per day. Currently more than 1,100 RSS subscriptions. Although most posts are viewed via RSS, the home (/index) page has been viewed more than 60,000 times. More than 250,000 readers (based on IP addresses) this year.

I’ll admit that I’d rather see more C&I readers than Walt at Random readers, but the numbers are striking in either case–and, for C&I, don’t include passalong readership of print copies.

Other Facts

For better or for worse, Walt at Random was named a gold star “General Interest Library Blog” in Salem Press’ 2010 library blogs list–and is one of the 2010 LISNews “10 Librarian Blogs To Read in 2010.”

Cites & Insights issues and articles seem to age well–readership keeps growing. While the changes of sites over the years have prevented comprehensive statistics, here are some notes as of the end of 2009:

  • Two issues had been downloaded more than 10,000 times (one of them more than 25,000 times)
  • More than 30 other issues have been downloaded more than 5,000 times: two more than 8,000, three more than 7,500, 14 more than 6,000 and 12 more than 5,000. Add 25 with more than 4,000 downloads and 33 with more than 3,000.
  • Article viewership (including only HTML pageviews and PDF downloads–excluding in-browser PDF pageviews, because these are hard to equate to actual readership) can be much higher than that. The classic, “Library 2.0 and ‘Library 2.0′”, reached more than 44,000 views by the end of 2009–with another 17 articles viewed more than 10,000 times and another 51 viewed between 8,000 and 10,000 times.
  • Note that none of these numbers include the nearly 40,000 PDF downloads and roughly 100,000 article pageviews from January 1 through June 16, 2010.

Both Walt at Random and Cites & Insights have Google Page Rank 6.

Sponsorship Possibilities

  • Basic Sponsorship: “Sponsored by” as part of the banner on the front page of each new issue of C&I, acknowledgment in the masthead on the back page of each new issue of C&I, optional logo as part of that masthead, “Sponsored by” on the C&I home page. The masthead (without the logo) also appears in every HTML article
  • Expanded Sponsorship: Basic sponsorship plus either a sponsor’s column in some or all issues, or a partial or full-page ad in each PDF issue.
  • Adding Walt at Random: Addition of a sponsor’s name to the Walt at Random banner, possibly a banner ad as part of the footer, possibly a text ad in the sidebar.
  • Who? Anybody trying to reach “my part” of the library community–preferably a company or group in some area that I don’t directly write about, so there’s no conflict of interest. That could include book jobbers, library automation companies, consortia and probably others.
  • How? Get in touch with me–waltcrawford at gmail dot com. We could talk during ALA, if you get in touch by Thursday noon.

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