Blogs by community college/junior college librarians?

I’d love to hear about blogs by people who work in community college or junior college libraries. You can either comment below or send me email (waltcrawford at gmail dot com).

There are probably a few among the 500 (or so) liblogs I subscribe to–but when I categorized libloggers for The Liblog Landscape, I didn’t distinguish them among the 170+ “academic librarian” blogs.

Why do I care?

  • I was vividly reminded during at least one Midwinter session that academic libraries (and librarians) just aren’t the same as public libraries (and librarians). I always knew that, but it was driven home with some force.
  • My sense is that many, if not most, community college/junior college libraries are hybrid institutions, with characteristics of both public and academic libraries.
  • If that’s true, then I’d like to pay more attention to those librarians (and other library staff).

(If there are other equivalents for community college or junior college, the latter being what it’s called in my home town, I mean y’all as well–that is, publicly-funded institutions primarily offering 2-year degree programs with lots of continuing ed as well, usually with lower entry bars than state colleges and universities. City colleges? Whatever.)

Feel free to add your own blog or let me know about others you’re aware of. And thanks!

4 Responses to “Blogs by community college/junior college librarians?”

  1. ellie says:

    I’m at Austin Community College in Austin, TX. I have a personal work blog at which is primarily just a place to share conference notes and the Friday Link Round Up I do as part of my duties with our staff development team. I also participate in Library Day in the Life there. In terms of posts with more substance, I write from my community college perspective at I look forward to seeing other replies!

  2. Brett says:

    I’m the Systems Librarian at College of the North Atlantic – Qatar. I’ve actually never worked at the home institution(s) in Newfoundland.

    We have 2 blogs at the moment, my technical blog and our Reference Librarian’s resource blog for faculty. We’re adding more as we have time, resources and interest.

    Both of these are likely temporary URL’s, but the changes will be announced on the blogs as we transition over to an on-campus server.

    I write from a slightly broader perspective (and less often) at and post a lot of resources on Twitter.

    We have some unique challenges here which might be shared by some North American community colleges that teach ESL.

  3. Marla says:

    A friend of mine (who is also a part-time community college librarian) has a great blog that is not so much community college focused as information focused. Check it out at

  4. walt says:

    Thanks. I’ll check all of these out (in the first case, actually, moving ellie’s blog from the “library” clump to the new “cclib” clump, since I already subscribe).