Cites & Insights 10:1 (January 2010) is now available.
The 30-page issue (PDF as usual, with HTML versions of the first three articles also available) includes:
Bibs & Blather (pages 1-6)
Announcing But Still They Blog: The Liblog Landscape 2007-2009, at a special earlybird price; also announcing the trade paperback version of Cites & Insights 9: 2009–and reduced prices on all Cites & Insights Books. Finally, some words about supporting Cites & Insights, which currently lacks sponsorship.
Making it Work Perspective: Thinking about Blogging 4: Declines and Ends (pages 6-22)
Quotes and comments about blogging in decline, how individual blogs change–and the process of pausing or ending a blog.
Interesting & Peculiar Products (pages 22-25)
Five items and four group reviews.
My Back Pages (pages 25-30)
As always, a PDF-only bonus section–this time including notes on Apple apologists, buying friends by the thousands, disappearing technologies, the eternal stereo silly season and Wired‘s equally eternal silliness–and the typographic change you’ll see if you read C&I as a PDF.
Peering into the future:There will not be a Midwinter issue of Cites & Insights; the next issue will (probably) be February 2010 and will (also probably) appear after Midwinter.
Might there be a non-issue similar to the fabled “Cites On A Plane” (which exists only in the trade paperback version of C&I 7: 2007)? Possibly. Check back around January 6…