Cites & Insights 9:11 (October 2009) is now available.
The 30-page issue is, as usual, PDF, with HTML separates available for most of the essays. The issue includes:
Bibs & Blather
Sponsorship still needed, status reports on Cites & Insights Books (one book gone, one going soon…and a new project underway), and one more chance (11 days) to help me decide whether to keep Library Access to Scholarship.
Perspective: Writing about Reading 4
A variety of perspectives on that long-time favorite, The Death of (Print) Books.
Trends & Quick Takes
Seven mini-commentaries and six quicker takes…including a slightly skeptical take on Wolfram|Alpha and fanboy commentators.
Copyright Currents
Musings on fair use–and why it’s important that it’s an exception to copyright protections, not just a defense against infringement. (Would’ja believe dancing babies?)
My Back Pages
Always a bonus for full-issue readers (it’s never available in HTML), this brief installment includes five brief snarky commentaries.