Not dead yet, not really back yet

I don’t usually go nine days between posts, but…
You can blame ALA Annual 2009 in Chicago for most of that. I (still) travel without technology, so no blogging from ALA–and also no keeping up with blogs, FriendFeed, etc. (but email once or twice in the hidden Internet room in the exhibits).
There’s also getting ready for Chicago… and catching up from Chicago, which is likely to take another day or two. Particularly since it’s mixed in with continued “trying to fix wifi/internet” (which may finally be fixed, by replacing both modem and router)–and dealing with people doing quotes for various household projects; you can’t be showing someone around/talking to them while you’re trying to catch up online. At least I can’t.
Status: DSL maybe better. Household project quotes (roof, solar, heating/air conditioning, a couple little things), about half done. Work: Need to write up ALA notes and get on with other stuff. Post-ALA: Haven’t even started to look at blogs, have realized it’s futile to go back too far on FriendFeed, haven’t started on notes.
One remarkable note: Even though ALA membership is down (2.6%), the annual conference was a new record high–and, indeed, the exhibits seemed more crowded at off-hours than I’m used to, and most programs I attended were well-attended. What this means about the future of P2P conferences, the “death of megaconferences,” etc.? I leave to the observer…

One Response to “Not dead yet, not really back yet”

  1. Chris says:

    Welcome back. We missed you.