Movin’ on up: The last Walt at Random post…

…at, that is.

Walt at Random has joined the new Information Science channel on ScienceBlogs.

Please go there–for the link-challenged,

If you’re reading this via an aggregator, please add the feed to your subscriptions.


Why the move? Well, they invited me–following in the footsteps of John Dupuis and Christina Pikas, which are pretty good footsteps to follow.

The cross-fertilization there seems interesting, and ScienceBlogs seems to attract a wide audience. All in all, it made sense.

The changes I think you’ll see in the new (and, I hope, improved) Walt at Random:

  • It looks different, of course–the blog appears in the overall context of ScienceBlogs.
  • Right now, there are no archives other than the first two posts. That should change in the near future–but I won’t be copying all of the archives from here.  Omitted: old movie reviews, cruise-line commentaries, and a few “temporal posts”–ones that no longer have any meaning at all. Retained: Pretty much everything else (I think I left out about 10% of the posts), including all the controversial posts and goofs. The archives here will remain untouched.
  • The new blog won’t include the “treadmill movie” reviews. It also won’t include the pure reposts of weekly LLN Highlights posts–instead, I’ll write brief narrative pieces about aspects of Library Leadership Network that might be of interest, including a few recent changes.
  • I anticipate doing “abstracts” of some or all Cites & Insights articles, one abstract per post. We’ll see how that goes.
  • I hope to do more substantive posts on the new blog. Hopes are wonderful things…
  • It’s possible, although highly unlikely, that–if I don’t find a new sponsor for Cites & Insights volume 10 and beyond–I could scrap the ejournal/ezine and publish the essays as sets of serial posts in the blog.

Walt, Even Randomer

This site isn’t going away. As soon as I can put together a new one and upload it, though, the banner will change to the new name: Walt, Even Randomer.

You’ll see roughly one post per month that’s identical between the two blogs–the same one that also shows up on C&I Alerts and my LISNews blog. Which is to say, the issue announcements for Cites & Insights.


  • The complete archives of Walt at Random on will stay here.
  • I’ll keep posting old movie reviews here. (Temporarily, I’m watching them without the treadmill, on a much better TV; the house move has disrupted things. Soon, I’ll be back to the treadmill, admittedly a new one, and the small TV–also admittedly a new one.)
  • It’s hard to say what else will appear here. If I have something to say that seems too far out even for Friday randomness on ScienceBlogs, it will be here. That could mean two posts a week or one every six months.

Information scientist? Moi?

I’ve never claimed that title and don’t intend to start now.


I believe I’ve done better (more comprehensive, more careful) research on liblogs and library blogs than I’ve seen elsewhere, even if I’ve deliberately stuck to meatball statistics rather than sophisticated analysis.

I’ve certainly written (and will continue to write) about open access and other topics that concern scientists.

My brother’s a chemist. Does that count?

That’s it for this post. Go visit the new blog. Thanks!

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