A few words about Bibs & Blather

Long-time readers of Cites & Insights will know all this.
Bibs & Blather is my alternate name for the ejournal itself–and may have made more sense when the ejournal (ezine?) was heavily composed of “Cites,” that is, citations for various articles and discussions of those articles.
Bibs & Blather is also the running head for random notes related to the ejournal itself (and my other sites and projects)–sort of a letter from the editor.
This time around, in Cites & Insights 9:8, the brief note includes three elements: One relating to sponsorship of the ejournal (I’ve had modest sponsorship for the last four years, it’s going away, and I could use a new sponsor), a note about the move of this blog…and a “Projects” section.
The “Projects” section relates to real research projects I’ve carried out in the past–more extensive and transparent research about library blogs and blogs by library people than I believe has ever been done elsewhere–and what I’m likely to do in the future.
There are too many earlier posts related to these projects to point you to all of them. Searching for “quintile” will yield a bunch of them (as will Public Library Blogs and Academic Library Blogs); the Category archives for Liblog Landscape will yield more.
Hey, it’s a short section, just keeping people informed. It would be silly for this introductory essay to be longer than the ejournal section.

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