Note: This could potentially be done in 2010, skipping 2009 or doing two year metrics in one.
A replacement for The Liblog Landscape that would add new value in several ways:
While The Liblog Landscape isn’t exactly setting the PoD world on fire, it’s still selling—six or seven copies in February, which means it’s now passed Academic Library Blogs in sales.
On the other hand, at the rate it’s selling, it will never reach 100 copies, much less the 200 copies that would constitute reasonable success. This might also be a project that requires sponsorship to work. I believe the material would have readership in the high hundreds or, more probably, low thousands (the lead essay in the February C&I, on blogging, is getting a lot of downloads)—but it’s not clear that more than a handful of people (or libraries or library schools) will pay for it. (I haven’t yet sent out review copies; if I do, it’s unlikely any reviews—with one possible exception—would appear before June or July. If any appear at all: First Have Something to Say went essentially unreviewed despite a slew of review copies and a major library publisher.)
Quick evaluation
In the interests of a silly but amusing experiment, I am obliged to note that this post has nothing whatsoever to do with Kindle 2, Amazon, text-to-speech, 23 things or Authors Guild. It also has no specific references to Kansas or Nebraska.
Just wanted to let you know that when I can scrape up some extra money I do plan to buy the book–and not just because my blog is one of the ones included. I think what you did was really interesting and a great look at library blogs. It may just need more exposure. Good luck.
Elisabeth: Thanks. I may yet send out some review copies.