What blog has (a) been around six years, (2) is written in English but comes from a European country, (iii) has an ISSN and (d) has as its slogan “Essence, effervescence, obscurity”?
In this case, the answer actually is in the chapter discussed here–Chapter 12, Liblog Profiles, which makes up somewhat more than half of The Liblog Landscape 2007-2008: A Lateral Look.
And, for those who somehow missed it over the past week or so, the book is on sale for an introductory price of $22.50 from now through January 15, 2009, only from Lulu.
What’s here, part 11
Fifty (or so) more liblogs and the number of times each one appears in the index:
- “Self-plagiarism is style” [6]
- Semantic Library [1]
- SemiConscious Dot Org [2]
- Senior Friendly Libraries [3]
- The Sheck Spot [3]
- Shelf Check [3]
- Shelved in the W’s [5]
- The Shifted Librarian [6]
- shimenawa [6]
- Silversprite [7]
- Simon Chamberlain’s library weblog [1]
- The Singing Librarian Talks (or Writes…) [3]
- Sites and Soundbytes [6]
- Slaw [6]
- Slow Library [1]
- Social Justice Librarian [2]
- Social Software in Libraries [2]
- The Soggy Librarian [2]
- Solvitur ambulando [4]
- Something New Every Day [1]
- Space Age Librarian [4]
- Speak Quietly: Ramblings About Libraries, Writing, and Everything in Between [4]
- Spellbound Blog [1]
- A Splash Quite Unnoticed [1]
- SPLAT [3]
- Stephen Gallant Review [3]
- Stephen’s Lighthouse [8]
- the strange librarian [6]
- Subject/Object [3]
- Superpatron – Friends of the Library, for the net [1]
- The SurRural Librarian [2]
- Swiss Army Librarian [9]
- The Synthetic Librarian [1]
- T. Scott [2]
- Tales from the “Liberry” [11]
- Talking Books Librarian [2]
- Tame the Web [9]
- TangognaT [10]
- TechEssence.Info blogs [1]
- τεχνοσοφια [1]
- The Ten Thousand Year Blog [6]
- Tennant: Digital Libraries [3]
- Terry’s Worklog [1]
- Texadata [1]
- Text & Blog [12]
- That Rabbit Girl [1]
- Theoretical Librarian [2]
- Thingology (LibraryThing’s ideas blog) [4]
- Thinking about the Future [2]
- Thoughts from a Library Administrator [3]
Page 123 introduces that blog, including its author, his affiliation, and 19 metrics (there would be 20, but the 20th is blank for reasons that may be obvious). Some of you probably recognize it from the slogan. More would from the unusual animal that forms part of the blog’s name.